Donations & Subsidy

The Lucina Family Support Fund

Our goal as a non-profit organization is to support local birthers and families who want an out-of-hospital birth experience but could not otherwise afford the birth centre fee. Through this fund, we support subsidy requests for our birth centre fee for people facing systematic and financial barriers (people of colour, Indigenous birthers, 2SLGTBQI+, single parents, young parents). Your donation to this fund is the only way this is possible and is deeply appreciated by the families! The impact of a positive birthing experience has a profound ripple effect on birthers, families, children, and the community. You have the power to gift this experience!

We work closely with Indigenous Birth Alberta to raise funds for their causes too. Please visit Indigenous Birth Alberta for more information.

If you would like to make a donation please e-transfer us at familysupportfund (auto-deposit). *We cannot issue a donation tax receipt as we do not have ‘charitable’ status.

If you need support through this fund, we will do our best to support you based on current funding available, please apply here.