Lucina Midwives
We have two Midwifery clinic locations. Lucina West Clinic is located in the beautiful Lucina Birth Centre, in close proximity to the Misericordia hospital in the west-end of Edmonton. Lucina East Clinic is located in historical Highlands on the north-east side of Edmonton.
Midwives are experts in normal, low risk pregnancy, postpartum, and breastfeeding care. People choose midwives because we offer three important pillars to maternity care: choice of birth place (between home, birth centre, and hospital), informed consent (your right and responsibility to choose what’s best for your body and baby) and continuity of care (continuous philosophy of care and often care provider from beginning of pregnancy to 6 weeks of postpartum).
At Lucina Midwives we specialize in out-of-hospital births. We primarily take clients who are choosing to deliver at the Lucina Birth Centre or at home. If you prefer to deliver at the hospital we encourage you to sign up here for a Birth Centre tour or speak to your midwife about Birth Centre or home birth during your first appointment. We will never turn you away if your final decision is to deliver in hospital. Occasionally there may be indications which lead us to recommend a hospital birth. In the end, it is always your choice where to give birth according to where you feel the most comfortable and safe. All of the Lucina Midwives have privileges at the Royal Alexandra Hospital primarily and will also deliver at the Misericordia Community Hospital.
Many research studies have shown that midwifery care reduces birth intervention and cesarean delivery, and increases maternal and family satisfaction with birth experience.
Our midwives understand the profound nature of welcoming a baby into a family’s life. We are so happy you are here and we look forward to working together with you and your family on this journey.
What our clients say